Geocoding with PowerShell and Google Geocoding API V2

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This function uses the Google Maps Geocoding API Version 2. It accepts objects with address, city, state and zip parameters. It then uses that information to find the longitude and latitude of the location and adds additional properties to the object. I use it with Import-CSV and Export-CSV to add information to a spreadsheet.

Function Add-Geocode
        $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
        $pre = ""
        $suf = "&output=csv&sensor=false"

        $accHash = @{}
        $accHash.Add(5,"Postal code")

        $add = "$($_.address -replace " ","+")+"
        $city = "$($ -replace " ","+")+"
        $state = "$($_.state -replace " ","+")+"
        $zip = "$($ -replace " ","+")+"

        $queryString = "$($pre)$($add)$($city)$($state)$($zip)$($suf)"
        Write-Verbose $queryString
        $returnValue = $webClient.DownloadString($queryString).Split(",")
        If ([int]$returnValue[0] -eq 200)
            $_ | Add-Member NoteProperty GEOACCURACY $accHash.Item([int]$returnValue[1])
            $_ | Add-Member NoteProperty LATITUDE $returnValue[2]
            $_ | Add-Member NoteProperty LONGITUDE $returnValue[3]
            Write-Warning "Could not GeoCode $($ Return value was $($returnValue[0])"

        Write-Output $_