Reboot, Logoff or Shutdown a Remote Computer

1 minute read

This script is a command-line utility for rebooting, logging off or shutting down remote computers. If no option parameter is specified, a force reboot is default.

'Script for remotely rebooting a computer
'Jason Hofferle

set objArgs = Wscript.Arguments
strComputer = objArgs(0)

strAction = "Forced Reboot"
iAction = 6

if wscript.Arguments.Count > 1 then
        strAction = objArgs(1)
        select case strAction
                case "logoff"
                        iAction = 0
                case "flogoff"
                        iAction = 4
                        strAction = "Forced Log Off"
                case "shutdown"
                        iAction = 1
                case "fshutdown"
                        iAction = 5
                        strAction = "Forced Shutdown"
                case "reboot"
                        iAction = 2
                case "poweroff"
                        iAction = 8
                case "fpoweroff"
                        iAction = 12
                        strAction = "Forced Power Off"
                case else
                        strAction = "Forced Reboot"
                        iAction = 6
        end select
end if

Wscript.echo Shutdown(strComputer) 'calls shutdown function with strComputer variable

Function Shutdown(strComputer)
        On Error Resume Next
        Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
            & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Shutdown)}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
        Set colOperatingSystems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
            ("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
        For Each objOperatingSystem in colOperatingSystems
            ObjOperatingSystem.Win32Shutdown(iAction) 'Change the number in parenthesis to what you need
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
          WScript.Echo strcomputer & Err.Description
          WScript.Echo strcomputer & " is performing a " & strAction
        End If
        On Error goto 0
End Function

' Valid auguments for Win32Shutdown method:
' 0 Log Off
' 0 + 4 Forced Log Off
' 1 Shutdown
' 1 + 4 Forced Shutdown
' 2 Reboot
' 2 + 4 Forced Reboot
' 8 Power Off
' 8 + 4 Forced Power Off

At a command prompt:

reboot.vbs [computer] [option]

To force the computer workstation01 to reboot:

C:\>cscript.exe reboot.vbs workstation01

To force the computer workstation01 to power off:

C:\>cscript.exe reboot.vbs workstation01 fpoweroff

Complete list of options:

  • logoff
  • flogoff
  • shutdown
  • fshutdown
  • reboot
  • freboot
  • poweroff
  • fpoweroff