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Embed a C# Program in a PowerShell Script

11 minute read

Advanced Event 8 of the 2011 Scripting Games was a beast. It was complex even before the requirement of writing a graphical user interface, and this event ha...

Webclient Caching with PowerShell

10 minute read

In Advanced Event 7 of the 2011 Microsoft Scripting Games, the goal was to map names to Twitter screen names. The information was to be gathered from the SQL...

ScriptBlock Flexibility in PowerShell

5 minute read

I decided to start sharing some of my submissions for the 2011 Microsoft Scripting Games that received decent ratings. This is my entry for Advanced Event 3,...


1 minute read

```powershell Function Get-Geocode { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$Address, [ValidateSet("...